This thesis-Project report is submitted as a part of M Tech in Civil Engineering.You can take help of this thesis to prepare your M Tech B Tech Final year project report.
Rock mass classification is widely used throughout the underground mining industry in both coal and hard rock mines. It is used in all stages of the mining process, from site characterization to production operations. Rock mass characterization is an integral part of rock engineering practice. There is several classification systems used for design of structures on/in rock strata. It is interesting to note that these classification systems: RMi, RMR, Q and GSI, have their origin in civil engineering.
Rock mass classification systems are used for various engineering design and stability analysis. These are based on empirical relations between rock mass parameters and engineering applications, such as tunnels, slopes, foundations, and excavatability. Rock mass classification systems have gained wide attention and are frequently used in rock engineering and design. However, all of these systems have limitations, but applied appropriately and with care as they are valuable tools. Different joint configurations will be introduced to achieve the most common modes of failure occurring in nature. A coefficient called Joint factor has been used to account for the weakness brought into the intact rock by jointing. Models have been being prepared using plaster of Paris and Lime-plaster of Paris mix specimens and different degrees of anisotropy have been induced by making joints in them varying from 0 to 90 degree. The specimen will be tested under direct shear, uniaxial compression to determine the various parameters.
Rock mass classification system uses rock mass modulus for characterization of systems: RMR, Q, GSI and others. The rock mass classification includes some inputs obtained from intact rock and discontinuity properties, which have major influence on assessment of engineering behavior of rock mass.
This thesis-Project report is submitted as a part of M Tech in Civil Engineering.You can take help of this thesis to prepare your M Tech B Tech Final year project report.
A metro system is a railway transport system in an urban area with a high capacity, frequency and the grade separation from other traffic. Metro System is used in cities, agglomerations, and metropolitan areas to transport large numbers of people. An elevated metro system is more preferred type of metro system due to ease of construction and also it makes urban areas more accessible without any construction difficulty. An elevated metro system has two major elements pier and box girder. The present study focuses on two major elements, pier and box girder, of an elevated metro structural system.
Conventionally the pier of a metro bridge is designed using a force based approach. During a seismic loading, the behavior of a single pier elevated bridge relies mostly on the ductility and the displacement capacity. It is important to check the ductility of such single piers. Force based methods do not explicitly check the displacement capacity during the design. The codes are now moving towards a performance-based (displacement-based) design approach, which consider the design as per the target performances at the design stage. Performance of a pier designed by a Direct Displacement Based Design is compared with that of a force-based designed one. The design of the pier is done by both force based seismic design method and direct displacement based seismic design method in the first part of the study.
In the second part, a parametric study on behavior of box girder bridges is carried out by using finite element method. The finite element model is validated with model of Gupta et al. (2010). The parameters considered to present the behavior of Single Cell Box Girder, Double Cell Box Girder and Triple Cell Box Girder bridges are radius of curvature, span length and span length to the radius of curvature ratio. These parameters are used to evaluate the responses of box girder bridges namely, longitudinal stresses at the top and bottom, shear, torsion, moment, deflection and fundamental frequency of three types of box girder bridges.
The performance assessment of selected designed pier showed that, the Force Based Design Method may not always guarantee the performance parameter required and in the present case the pier achieved the target requirement. In case of Direct Displacement Based Design Method, selected pier achieved the behaviour factors more than targeted Values. These conclusions can be considered only for the selected pier.
The parametric study on behavior of box girder bridges showed that, as curvature decreases, responses such as longitudinal stresses at the top and bottom, shear, torsion, moment and deflection decreases for three types of box girder bridges and it shows not much variation for fundamental frequency of three types of box girder bridges due to the constant span length. It is observed that as the span length increases, longitudinal stresses at the top and bottom, shear, torsion, moment and deflection increases for three types of box girder bridges. As the span length increases, fundamental frequency decreases for three types of box girder bridges. Also, it is noted that as the span length to the radius of curvature ratio increases responses parameter longitudinal stresses at the top and bottom, shear, torsion, moment and deflection are increases for three types of box girder bridges. As the span length to the radius of curvature ratio increases fundamental frequency decreases for three types of box girder bridges.
This thesis-Project report is submitted as a part of M Tech in Civil Engineering.You can take help of this thesis to prepare your M Tech B Tech Final year project report.
Shear collapse of reinforced concrete (RC) members is catastrophic and occurs suddenly with no advance warning of distress. In several occasions existing RC beams have been found to be deficient in shear and in need of strengthening. Conventional shear strengthening method such as external post tensioning, member enlargement along with internal transverse steel, and bonded steel plates are very costly, requiring extensive equipment, time, and significant labor. Conversely, the relatively new alternative strengthening technique using advanced composite materials, known as fiber reinforced polymer (FRP), offers significant advantages such as flexibility in design, ease of installation, reduced construction time, and improved durability.
The overall objective of this study was to investigate the shear performance and failure modes of RC T-beams strengthened with externally bonded GFRP sheets. In order to achieve these objectives, an extensive experimental program consisting of testing eleven, full scale RC beams was carried out. The variables investigated in this study included steel stirrups, shear span-to-depth ratio, GFRP amount.
The experimental results indicated that the contribution of externally bonded GFRP to the shear capacity is significant and depends on the variable investigated. The failures of strengthened beams are initiated with the debonding failure of FRP sheets followed by brittle shear failure. However, the shear capacity of these beams has increased as compared to the control beam which can be further improved if the debonding failure is prevented. An innovative method of anchorage technique by using GFRP plates has been used to prevent these premature failures, which as a result ensure full utilization of the strength of FRP.
A theoretical study is also proposed by using ACI guidelines for computing the shear capacity of the strengthened beams.
This thesis-Project report is submitted as a part of M Tech in Civil Engineering.You can take help of this thesis to prepare your M Tech B Tech Final year project report.
Hot mix technology has seen significant advances through many research programs. Cold mix technology is lagging behind in both research and application fields which is quite observable in a developing country like India. This is the primary motivation underlying selection of this cold mix technology as the present research area. Besides, it has environmental and economical advantages over hot mixes. Till now there is no universally accepted cold mix design procedure. In the absence of uniformity in the laboratory cold mix design procedures followed by different researchers/agencies/organisation, it is difficult to form reliable correlations and to have a comparative study between experimental results reported by them.
Hence the objectives of this project work are aimed to select important mix parameters and determine their effects on performance of Cold Mix Asphalt (CMA). The mix parameters selected for the present work are (i) method of compaction, (ii) level of compaction, (iii) additives and (iv) aggregate gradation.
The first three parameters are selected for their importance as presented in a number of previous research works. The last one has been selected as nowhere in literature much attention has been paid to the aggregate gradation which is the skeleton of the compacted mix. It is observed that Bailey method for gradation selection is the only method for HMA/SMA mixture which analyses the aggregate gradations both considering the blend by volume as well as blend by weight. In this study Bailey’s concept has been considered for cold mix design. All the mix parameters have been selected to assess the effect on Marshall properties of CMA mixture.
Initially a suitable experimental methodology has been prepared and then the effects of selected mix parameters on performance of compacted mix are studied. Finally a comparative study for above results has been done on basis of the Marshall Stability and air void content of the cold mix. Considering all the selected mix parameters it is observed that only in case of gyratory compaction the adequate air void range (3 to 5 %) in cold mixes can be achieved. Besides, though each and every parameter has contributed to increase the Marshall Stability of cold mixes, cement and developed gradations have shown more significant increase in stability of cold mixes.
This thesis-Project report is submitted as a part of M Tech in Civil Engineering.You can take help of this thesis to prepare your M Tech B Tech Final year project report.
Energy requirements for the developing countries like India in particular are met from coal-based thermal power plants, where 75% of the total power obtained is from coal-based thermal power plants. The coal reserve of India is about 200 billion tonnes (bt) and its annual production reaches 250 million tonnes (mt) approximately. About 70% of this is used in the power sector. In India, unlike in most of the developed countries, ash content in the coal used for power generation is 30–40%. High ash coal means more generation of a large amount of fly ash. India ranks fourth in the world in the production of coal ash as by-product waste after USSR, USA and China, in that order. Huge amount of coal ash generation creates major problems for their disposal. Therefore large quantity coal ash has to be suitably disposed off.
Primarily, the coal ash is disposed off using either dry or wet disposal scheme. In dry disposal, the fly ash is transported by truck, chute, or conveyor at the site and disposed off by constructing a dry embankment (dyke). In wet disposal, the fly ash and bottom ash are transported as slurry through pipe and disposed off in pond ash. There are no well defined design guidelines and code practices available for construction and maintenance of ash dykes. So in past there are so many failures of ash dykes are observed. Main reason for failure of ash dyke is due to ineffective functioning of filter or internal drains. The purpose of filter in the case of ash dyke is to protect the fly ash against being carried away with seepage and at the same time it should have adequate permeability to take out the seepage water in order to keep the fly ash in a dry condition avoiding liquefaction due to any disturbance. Natural river sand is used as the conventional filter material. However, the non-availability of required graded sand in and around construction site and in all seasons possesses problems to the construction of ash dykes. Non-availability of good sand during monsoon also affects the sustained and pre-planned construction of ash dykes in monsoon season. Coarse pond ash and bottom ash which are the waste products of thermal power plant and non-plastic in nature and available abundantly in thermal power plants may replace the conventional sand as a filtering material.
Limited work has been reported in the literature on evaluation of the geotechnical properties of coal ash and their utilisation in filter media in ash pond dykes. This present work aims to find out the geotechnical properties of coal ash subjected to different loading intensity and its filter criteria. For this purpose coal ashes like bottom ash and coarse pond ash samples used in this study were collected from hopper and ash pond of NTPC, Kaniha, Odisha respectively.
Coarse sand was collected from Brahmini River whereas fly ash was collected from RSP, Rourkela. Coal ashes, coarse pond ash and bottom ash and sand were subjected to both dynamic and static compaction. Then for all the samples physical property, index properties, and geotechnical properties like grain size distribution, dry density, coefficient of permeability, crushing strength, strength parameters have been found out when samples were subjected to both dynamic and static compaction and also model test has been done to find out the filtering capabilities of these materials.
Based on the experimental findings the following conclusions are drawn. Specific gravity of pond ash and bottom ash are found to lower than that of conventional earth material. As the dynamic compaction energy and static stress increases, particles crushed. The gradation changes from uniformly graded to well grade. These samples show higher maximum dry density compare to virgin sample. After crushing due to both static and dynamic compaction, the coefficient of permeability of coal ash and sand samples decrease. Strength parameters of coal ashes and sand subjected higher compaction energy and static stress are found to be higher when tested at their minimum and maximum densities. At low load intensity crushing coefficient of coal ash is higher than sand but at very high load intensity crushing coefficient of sand is higher than coal ash. From the model test it was found that coefficient of permeability of all the virgin samples and layered samples decrease with increase in time due to settlement of fly ash slurry. After 60 min. values of coefficient of permeability of all samples are found to be same and do not change with time. So as per permeability criteria coarse pond ash and bottom ash can replace sand in filters. From the model test it was found that turbidity of all the virgin samples and layered samples decrease sharply with increase in time. It is found that coarse pond ash, bottom ash and sand used in the present study meets the filter criteria as per Indian standard of practice. After crushing in both static and dynamic compaction it is found that all three samples coarse pond ash, bottom ash and sand used in the present study meets the filter criteria as per Indian standard code of practice. Use of both coarse pond ash and bottom ash as a filter material also reduces the cost of construction of ash dyke. It is also an effective means of utilisation of thermal power plant waste.
This thesis-Project report is submitted as a part of M Tech in Civil Engineering.You can take help of this thesis to prepare your M Tech B Tech Final year project report.
The twisted panel has various applications in turbine blades, compressor blades, fan blades and particularly in gas turbines. Many of these plates are subjected to in-plane load due to fluid or aerodynamic pressures.Hence it is necessary to study their behaviour under differnt types of loads. In these days,composite materials are increasingly used as load bearing structural components in aerospace and naval structures, automobiles, pressure vessels, turbine blades and many other engineering applications because of their high specific strength and stiffness. The analysis is carried out using ANSYS software. An eight-node soparametric quadratic element is considered in the present analysis with five degrees of freedom per node.In ANSYS, the shell 281 element with five degrees of freedom per node is used. An eight by eight mesh is found to give good accuracy.
The vibration and stability behaviour of composite laminated twisted plate under various types of non-uniform in-plane loading is studied. The effect of number of layers, changing angle of twist, width to thickness ratio, aspect ratio, etc on the vibration and buckling loads are presented. It is observed that for increasing angles of twist of laminated composite plate with different in-plane load conditions, the vibration and buckling both decreases. Also as the number of layers increases, the vibration and buckling parameters of the laminated twisted plate are both observed to increases.
This thesis-Project report is submitted as a part of M Tech in Civil Engineering.You can take help of this thesis to prepare your M Tech B Tech Final year project report.
The evolution of computational geotechnical engineering analyses closely follows the development in computational methods. The soil is considered as a complex material produced by the weathering of solid rock. Due to its uncertain behavior, modeling the behavior of such
materials is complex by using more traditional forms of mechanistic based engineering methods like analytical and finite element methods etc. Very often it is difficult to develop theoretical/statistical models due to the complex nature of the problem and uncertainty in soil parameters. These are situations where data driven approach has been found to more appropriate than model oriented approach. To take care of such problems in artificial intelligence (AI) techniques has been developed in the computational methods. Though AI techniques has proved to have the superior predictive ability than other traditional methods for modeling complex behavior of geotechnical engineering materials, still it is facing some criticism due to the lack of transparency, knowledge extraction and model uncertainty. To overcome this problem there are developments of improvised AI techniques. Different AI techniques as ‘black box’ i.e artificial neural network (ANN), ‘grey box’ i.e Genetic programming (GP) and ‘white box’ i.e multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS) depending upon its transparency and knowledge extraction. Here, in this study of GP and MARS ‘grey box’ and ‘white box’ AI techniques are applied to some geotechnical problems such as prediction of lateral load capacity of piles in clay, pull-out capacity of ground anchor, factor of safety of slope stability analysis and ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations. Different statistical criteria are used to compare the developed GP and MARS models with other AI models like ANN and support vector machine
(SVM) models. It was observed that for the problems considered in the present study, the MARS and GP model are found to be more efficient than ANN and SVM model and the model equations are also found to be more comprehensive. But as every numerical method has its own
advantages and disadvantages and are also problem specific, there is a need to apply these techniques to other Geotechnical engineering problems to draw final conclusions regarding its efficacy.
The area of vertically irregular type of building is now having a lot of interest in seismic research field. . Many structures are designed with vertical irregularity for architectural views. Vertical irregularity arises in the buildings due to the significant change in stiffness and strength. Open ground storey (OGS) is an example of an extreme case of vertically irregularity.
The typical OGS and stepped types of irregularities are considered in the present study. For OGS buildings, the Magnification factors (MF) are suggested by the design codes, for the design of the open ground storey columns. The present study focus on the performance of typical OGS buildings designed considering various magnification factors as well as the stepped type buildings with different geometry configurations using fragility analysis and reliability analysis. The critical inter-storey drift is considered as an intensity measure.
OGS Building frames designed with various MFs and stepped irregular frames with different infill configurations, and having heights (6, 8 &10 stories) are considered for the present study. Fragility curves are developed for each type of buildings as per the methodology introduced by Cornell (2002). PSDM models are developed for each frames and the corresponding fragility curves are generated. Conclusions on the relative performances of each frame are drawn from the PSDM models and fragility curves. It is observed that in terms of performance, a building with infill walls in all stories is equally comparable with an OGS framed building with MF of about 1.5. Performance of the OGS frame increases with the increase in MF, but it makes the adjacent storey vulnerable.
The study is extended to the seismic reliability of typical OGS building with various MFs and also the stepped type buildings with different infill configurations in Manipur region (Ukhraul), which is one of the most vulnerable regions in India. The reliability is found out by combining a fragility curve with a seismic hazard curve of the region.
The seismic hazard curve for the present study is chosen from the study conducted by Pallav et. al (2012). The reliability of all the frames is evaluated for an earthquake intensity of 2% probability of occurrence of in 50 years at collapse prevention performance level. The performance of the buildings is assessed by comparing the reliabilities achieved with the target reliabilities suggested as per ISO 2394 (1998).
It is observed that the frames without any infill walls failed to achieve the target reliabilities. The building provided with infill walls throughout all stories uniformly, achieves the target reliabilities. The stiffness of infill walls is a significant factor that improves the performance of buildings during earthquakes.
Free Download Complete Project Report on "SEISMIC RISK ASSESSMENT OF RC FRAMED VERTICALLY IRREGULAR BUILDINGS" for Civil Engineering Student
Bicycle level of service (BLOS) methodologies have been developed for suburban and urban as well as for rural road segments. Although, today, the utilitarian bicyclist requires access to suburban, urban, and rural environments to safely travel between home and work. In order to complement BLOS methodologies which incorporate mental stressors along road segments, this study develops a methodology by which BLOS and Bicycle compatibility Index (BCI) can be found out by qualitative analysis.
Qualitative analysis deals with real-time human perceptions taking into account the satisfaction level of bicyclists while riding along a road. The satisfaction level of the bicyclist or the compatibility of the road for bicyclists is derived from a survey where bicyclist are asked questions based on their perception about safely, visibility and convenience. The survey is conducted on numerous bicyclists and their view are taken down in the form of ratings. These rating can be represented in a graphical form so as to give a clear picture of satisfaction level of bicyclists with respect to the road compatibility. BCI is computed using inverse variance method and finally BLOS, ranging from LOS-A to LOS-F, is found out.
Qualitative analysis though differs from quantitative analysis in terms of its surveyed data, the result of both will differ to a much extent. The BCI identifies which intersection approaches have the maximum priority for bicycle safety improvements within a particular jurisdiction. The model provides traffic planners and others the capability to rate roadways with respect to bicyclists’ level of satisfaction, and can be used in the process of evaluating existing roads, redesigning existing roads or designing new roads.
Free Download Civil Engineering Project on "ESTIMATION OF BICYCLE LEVEL OF SERVICE FOR URBAN INDIAN ROADS" with Complete report.
Pond ash deposits possess high compressibility, low bearing capacity so acres of land get wasted. Improvement of load carrying capacity of ash ponds will make them suitable for residential or commercial use. Stone or compacted stone columns is a technique of soil reinforcement that is frequently implemented in soft cohesive soils to increase the bearing capacity of the foundation soil, to reduce the settlement, and to accelerate the consolidation of surrounding saturated soft soil. The stress-strain behavior of the granular column is governed mainly by the lateral confining pressure mobilized in the native soft soil to restrain bulging collapse of the granular column.
Several works have been done relating to study the effectiveness of stone column on cohesive material, along with the effect of encasement and without encasement over the stone column. However no studies have been made to explore the effectiveness of stone columns in pond ash deposits. This study relates to the reinforcement of pond ash with stone column and possibility of utilizing abandoned ash pond sites for residential or commercial use.
The purpose of this work is to assess the suitability of reinforcing technique by stone columns to improve the load carrying capacity of pond ash deposits through several laboratory model tests. This objective is achieved in two parts. In the first stage the characterization of pond ash is made along with the evaluation of the mechanical properties like compaction characteristics under different loading conditions, evaluation of shear strength parameters using Direct shear test, Unconfined compression test, Triaxial test at different testing conditions. This is done basically to find out the inherent strength of the pond ash compacted to different densities and at different degree of saturation. In the second series of tests the shear parameters of the compacted pond ash samples reinforced with stone columns of varying area ratios and length ratios are evaluated from triaxial compression test. In addition to this stone columns having different area ratios and length ratios are introduced in compacted pond ash beds and the bearing capacity of the composite system is evaluated through a series of footing loading tests. For this a circular footing of 75mm in diameter is used.
Free Download Complete Project Report on LOAD CARRYING CAPACITY OF STONE COLUMNS EMBEDDED IN COMPACTED POND ASH for Civil Engineering Student.