A web application for complete automation of various activities and processes in school management. Application will have separate login for global admin, teachers, students and parents. Global admin can add new teachers and manage class. It can allocate different subjects, students and teachers to a class. Teachers can upload attendance, assignments and marks. Student can post solved assignments and can view the report of marks and attendance. Parents can view reports of their wards
management of each section for different class and display and calculate result .maintain attendance of students in every course.maintain and submit fees vouture through online bank.
a complete online web based school management system perform all actions related administration parents teachers students
My college *** Institute of Management Studies has offered me to develop a final year live project on ASP.net and Sql Server.
The project should have 2 Acess Points....
1) Students
2) Placement coordinator
* Student login and Signup.(primary key:student id)
* (only one admin)Admin login.
* A forum that posts jobs and incoming companies and the details(can be edited only by admin and viewed by students).
* While signing up Students are required to give the following details
i)Personal:name(first and last),dob,address,fathers name,email,phone no,gender,student id.
ii)Education details:10th(School,board,Year of passing and percentage),12th(School/College,board,Year of passing and percentage),BCA/BBM/BSc(College,board,Year of passing and percentage).
*Students & Placement Coordinator will be able to edit the student details.
*The placement coordinator should be able to generate reports and see the eligible students according to the educational details by inputting the criteria.
Que 1:-What are the two main parts of the .NET Framework?
Ans:- (1) The common language runtime (CLR).
(2).NET Framework class library.
Que 2:-List the types of Authentication supported by ASP.NET.
Ans:-(1)Windows (default)
(4)None (Security disabled) Que 3:-What is Windows Forms?
Ans:-It is employed for developing Windows GUI applications. It is a class library that gives developers access to Windows Common Controls with rich functionality. It is a common GUI library for all the languages supported by the .NET Framework
Que 4:-What is Web Services?
Ans:-This are programmable business logic components that provide access to functionality through the Internet. Standard protocols like HTTP can be used to access them. Web services are based on the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), which is an application of XML. Web services are given the .asmx extension.
Que 5:-Explain Assembly and Manifest.
Ans:-Assembly is a collection of one or more files and one of them (DLL or EXE) contains a special metadata called Assembly Manifest. The manifest is stored as binary data and contains details like versioning requirements for the assembly, the author, security permissions, and list of files forming the assembly. An assembly is created whenever a DLL is built. The manifest can be viewed programmatically by making use of classes from the System.Reflection namespace. The tool Intermediate Language Disassembler (ILDASM) can be used for this purpose. It can be launched from the command prompt or via Start> Run
We study the optimal usage-based pricing problem in a resource-constrained network with one profit-maximizing service provider and multiple groups of surplus-maximizing users. With the assumption that the service provider knows the utility function of each user (thus complete information), we find that the complete price differentiation scheme can achieve a large revenue gain (e.g., 50%) compared to no price differentiation, when the total network resource is comparably limited and the high willingness to pay users are minorities. However, the complete price differentiation scheme may lead to a high implementational complexity. To trade off the revenue against the implementational complexity, we further study the partial price differentiation scheme, and design a polynomial-time algorithm that can compute the optimal partial differentiation prices. We also consider the incomplete information case where the service
Provider does not know which group each user belongs to. We show that it is still possible to realize price differentiation under this scenario, and provide the sufficient and necessary condition under which an incentive compatible differentiation scheme can achieve the same revenue as under complete information.
some previous work that considered a flat-fee pricing scheme where the payment does not depend on the resource consumption , here we study the revenue maximization problem with the linear usage-based pricing schemes, where a user’s total payment is linearly proportional to allocated resource.Existing work does not acheive the below things1)How to design simple pricing schemes to achieve the best tradeoff between complexity and performance?2) How does the network information structure impact the design of pricing schemes?.
In this paper, we focus on studying the “economics-based” pricing schemes for managing communication networks.Economists have proposed many sophisticated pricing mechanisms to extract surpluses from the consumers and maximize revenue (or profits) for the providers. A typical example is the optimal nonlinear pricing. In practice,however, we often observe simple pricing schemes deployed
by the service providers. Typical examples include flat-fee pricing and (piecewise) linear usage-based pricing. One potential reason behind the gap between “theory” and “practice” is that the optimal pricing schemes derived in economics often has a high implementational complexity. Besides a higher maintenance cost, complex pricing schemes are not “customer friendly” and discourage customers from using the services. Furthermore, achieving the highest possible revenue often with complicated pricing schemes requires knowing the information (identity and preference) of each customer, which can be challenging in large scale communication networks.
In this module Customer or User have to register first,then only he/she has to access the network.
In this module,the above mentioned person have to login,they should login by giving their emailid and password .
Complete Pricing:
In this module we are giving three options for User(for example-Normal user(pay-free user),Partial Premium User and Premium User.In Normal user mode,there is revenue gain for service provider.Only usage charges.In Partial Premium user the user has to pay for using some additional features of the network.Premium user only has to utilize the whole features of the network.So the revenue gain for the service provider is more when compared to the Partial Pricing network.
Partial Pricing:
In this module we are giving two options for User(for example-Normal user(pay-free user),Partial Premium User.In Normal user mode,there is revenue gain for service provider.Only usage charges.In Partial Premium user the user has to pay for using some additional features of the network.So the revenue gain for the service provider is more when compared to the No Pricing network and revenue gain for the service provider is less when compared to the revenue gain from the Complete Pricing.
No Pricing:
In this module there is no pay for the users and there is no gain for service provider as well.Only usage charges.So the revenue gain for the service provider is low when compared to the other two types of networks we are mentioned above.
My project is digital dairy.
I am a diploma computer science final year student.
My project should be made completely using PHP and MySQL.
It will be good if no advanced level PHP is used and only basic level is used as my syllabus is very less and if project uses more than just basics of PHP i will have to learn about that.
The digital diary should have authentication to login.
It should be able to support many users/profiles with different user name and password to login.
A person should be able to see only that profile details in which he is loged in by giving user name and password.
Once a profile is open it should have 3 separate icons.
One of them when clicked should show the information stored there i.e., it should open a page containing personal information and columns containing contact details and contact numbers, names, residential address and email id of friends and family members or whoever we have stored.
We should be able to edit/update/delete/add new details in those columns.
Other icon when clicked should open an empty page in which we can write any personal information just like a personal diary and we should be able to add photos too.
It should have a save option to save the information and images entered.
It should also have place to enter date, day and time for that page.
The third icon when clicked should take to a common page for all profiles created where we can write a note to other profile users too as a message in case we may have to communicate.
It will be very helpful when it is used by many people of a family.
The third icon should be like a news paper where all sees same things and if interested can add and delete things there.
It should also support images like in second icon.
There should be buttons to add new textual information in all the 3 pages which will be opened when respective icons are clicked and separate for adding images too and similarly buttons for editing as well as deleting them.
In the page opened when we click second icon there should be a search option where we should be able to enter a particular date and get the page that we wrote and saved that day.
This digital diary should have a page with login option for those who have registered with user name and password and a create new account option where user should be able to create new profile.
If two profiles has same user name and password then it should show an error message saying an account already exists with the name and password and it should ask to enter different combination or different user name and password.
After entering profile one should be able to delete the profile by selecting an option called delete profile by entering correct password which would delete all the information in that profile except the common page which appears when the third icon is clicked.
these three icons and all other buttons inside them should have names indicating its function.
This is the abstract of my project.
kindly do not ignore this and please help me out as soon as possible.
-thank you.
1)Site will have member login capability.
2)Members can be added by admin only.
3)Sessions should change dynamically after some time.
4)Session will expire automatically if window lwft aidle for 10 minutes.
5)Admin can create new projects and add members to work on that project.
6)Every member can upload parts of project.That part will be visible to members working on that project only.
7)Members can send message to each other.
8)Message icon will show num of unread messages.Use AJAX for that.
9)Users can reply to that message.
10)Admin messages can be broadcasted or unicasted.
These are the initials.
Design database yourself
Keep all your codes modular so that it can be used again and again.Dont mess up codes.
Please Give Store Keeper Inventory Management System Project with source code and project Report with ppt in php my sql and nventory Management System Project in Ap.net.
I want Submit this Store Keeper Inventory Management Project as final year BTech Project.
need final year android project on news feeder app that gives feed from all the important newspapers like times of india,ndtv in one platform...
please provide it asap ..
i have attached the my requirements..[ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND]