Mass food is a company deals with food item and wholesales issues, which means that items are sold to customers in bulk and retail.
All the items are categorized into categories which have small description about what category has and each item has details such as the name, price, current show case quantity and stock quality also other details can be added. Each purchases of the item and sales of the item must recorded during the purchase and sales more than one item can be sold.
I need the system in . the system should be used to sales and purchase and report generation.
I want a movie rating system on php and mysql.... the rating page specially should be dynamic. The front end might not be so fancy but the queries used to retrieve the data should be good.Something like imdb
Posted by: prabhu5433 - 04-14-2014, 01:45 AM - Forum: Project
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Dear Sir/Madam,
I want to make a project as Online Examination System using Java with MS Access database. It has two modules Student and Administrator. The documentation is attached with this request. Please reply soon.
i want project on human resource managment in where there should be candidate details, job openings, company details, login logout, registration of new candidate, and neccessary things which hr wants for their wok,
Posted by: Naveen Navi - 04-11-2014, 08:00 AM - Forum: Project
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Although the motorcycle is a popular and convenient means of transportation, it is difficult for researchers in intelligent transportation systems to detect and recognize, and there has been little published work on the subject. This paper describes a real-time motorcycle monitoring system to detect, recognize, and track moving motorcycles in sequences of traffic images. Because a motorcycle may overlap other vehicles in some image sequences, the system proposes an occlusive detection and segmentation method to separate and identify motorcycles. Since motorcycle riders in many countries must wear helmets, helmet detection and search methods are used to ensure that a helmet exists on the moving object identified as a motorcycle. The performance of the proposed system was evaluated using test video data collected under various weather and lighting conditions. Experimental results show that the proposed method is effective for traffic images captured any time of the day or night with an average correct motorcycle detection rate of greater than 90% under various weather conditions.