Posted by: Subashini - 08-20-2017, 05:15 AM - Forum: Project
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Genetic algorithm should be applied before getting into job scheduler. Selection, crossover, mutation should be performed in genetic algorithm but in base paper crossover and mutation are not performed
JAVA Netbeans Project:i Need a complete Retail management software with all the accounting feature like purchase sale stock maintain billing all with including GST features with source code
Thank You In Advance please make sure that i should have a signup and login feature
Thankx a alot in advance
Myself dhammanand I need a project named Student Feedback System on and MS access platforms.
i would like to get source code.
Student Feedback System is a S/w where students can give feedback about their faculty by name and rating based on different categories like English Fluency, out of syllabus explanation, Practical knowledge, Doubt Clarification, Interaction. Which can be reviewed by Faculty and Principal by the rating. We should be able to show the best teacher too based on the ratings given.
Every student/Faculty/principal are supposed to register first with their roll numbers/ID numbers. If a faculty handles more than 1 subject an average is taken of the data. Best faculty should be shown to everyone based on the ratings. The student should be able to log in any numbers of times and give feedback. At the same time the faculty should be categorized by Dept and year of students they handle. Principal should be able to check each and everything, checking the ratings by dept and year. At the time of registration the user should give their id number along with their position like student or Faculty or Principal!
THANK YOU Admin@Enggroom
This application in android application
login and registration page
logo for application
In this application categories wise sell the medicine and view the message of medicine available or not and the otherwise medicine is not stock that time view the message sell the medicine is short time
option for payment is online payment or cash on delivery
plzz give me this application with source code in short time
with srs document
Abstract / Introduction
The project titled Software Filing Cabinet is software for Keeping files simillar to Manual Filing Cabinet. It performs simillar functions to manual filing Cabinet with extra features of Backing up & uploading files on a server(MySQL-XAMMP), Encryption or file for security purpose, Backup files on cloud drive (Google Drive). The main user of the system will be System Admin and the employee(s). Admin is allow to create Cabinet and User Accounts and assigning it to the User (Employee). Employee is allow to Store, upload and backup files on the database hosted by the server and GDrive.
Java Netbeans 8.1 and MySQL (Xampp version)
Posted by: krishna buch - 07-24-2017, 05:15 AM - Forum: Project
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well , i want to create website for lost people finding system . here i m giving the flow :
Registration : police and users . in home there should b login and registration options with profile . if we search any registered users profile there should be photo of registered users with city and brief details of them (either they are police or normal user)
common registration details :
name ,last name , email id , phone no , photo , city , state, country , mobile no . (local phone no and mobile number)
working concept :
if any registered user posts in website that he/she has lost someone , or anyone disappeared from their life suddenly they can post with following details :
lost man/woman photo, name , city , country , state , and a big text with posted detail , a post text to describe when they saw lost man/woman last time , and full story how they just lost and disappeared from which place ext . post text will b written by any user .
now any registered police can visit this website and watch daily latest posts as per date and time . and can help in this case .
also any user visit this website and register and if they found that lost baby can help.
-> any register user can reply to any post . there should be reply option with reply senders name , email and phone no .
-> mobile and phone numbers are very important . i anyone finds lost man/woman can contact immediately . to posted user .
we have many websites like just dial , sulekha to find properties flats , paying guests , tifin services , online job portal websites , but there is no website for kids lost or any lost people . so please if possible help me for this website . at least make it local . i will host it . thank u
we need a project which include an android app and a website for online education system...
main requirements are:
1: admin responsibilities to add remove teacher students
2: students teacher registration
3:teacher upload video lectures and written files of any extensions like PDF,ppt,doc etc
4tudents download and view lectures
5ystem should provide online examination
6tudent,faculty and parents feedback availability
7:10 to 15 days free trial for students
8: courses management like course portal availability
9tudents of specific category should updated through any new update from there teachers.
10: site and app must be attractive and easy to understandable by its user
11: online whiteboard availability (optional)
Posted by: Awasthi - 07-18-2017, 06:01 AM - Forum: Project
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I want to request for a project which a website made using java and oracle database.
Requirement :
1 . I want a website on blood donation.
2. Here we need to have a login user registration admin.. hospital management requiremnts..
3. Captacha is also needed along with the login and registration.
4 . If the user is registered then website should give the alert message that the user is pre registered. Also it should calculte the amount of blood donatated and generate reciept.
5. It should provide the message to register before checking the public profile of the blood availabilty .
6. Please add more relavant details. According to you prospective.
Thank you