Well, i want the project related to windows form application. I want project and source codes on "Restaurant Management System".
okay i would tell what are my requirements and how i want the design of the project.
First of all, the project must be in windows form application. the project must be platform independent i.e. it must run in windows 10. Frontend must be "ASP.Net" and backend must be "Microsoft SQL server ". Project must be in "Visual Studio 2010" and "Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2".
In this project, there would be a form of "Admin login". Admin would type his username and password,then progress bar would show progress and it would navigate to another form named as "Admin Home" where admin can add items,logout,item-types,customer data,salesperson,etc. There would be a customer login form for customers. Customer would login or register by his username,password,re-enter password,address. There would be autogenerate id for each customer which is unique. Admin could add or remove items but customers can't.
For example, Admin would ask the customers what they want to eat or order, Customer would say that they want veg. and nonveg.pizza.Then,admin would calculate the quantity of items,their total amount and bill must be generated.then he would print the bill and would give to the customers.
There must be a complete record of all customers. This project must run in 32 bit as well as 64 bit windows operating system. Please sir and madam,i want the project as soon as possible and please provide me steps how you did the project,so that i could understand the logic and flow of the codes. If possible,provide me ER diagram,UML diagrams,hardware and software requirements,validation and verification etc. Thank you for your help,thankew so much.
This project addresses various data leakage problems: Consider a data sender who transfers some confidential data to some of his counterparts (third party). Some of this sensitive data gets leaked accidentally or purposely by an attacker and is downloaded on his terminal. The distributor must find the possibilities that the compromised data was from one or more of his counterparts, as opposed to having gathered by other means. So our project allows for data allocation tactics (through the counterparts) that improves the chances of identifying data leakages. These methods do not depend on various alterations of the transferred data like parity. In some of the cases, we can also insert “realistic but fake” data records into the data stream to further improve our chances of identifying unknown data leakages and also the party responsible for it.
Either We consider the option of adding a fake objects to the distributed set. Such objects do not correspond to real entities but appear realistic to the agents.
If it turns out that an agent was given one or more fake objects that were leaked, then the distributor can be more confident that agent was guilty.
Step 1:Once user login, according to their login details (i.e. username and password), the user will be identified that whether the user is Distributor or agent.
Step 2:Once user identified the respective page will be shown where the distributor can send the files to agents as well as monitor the file sharing among the agents.
Step 3:While sending the file from distributor to agents some Fake object to the file which is being sent to agent.
Step 4:If any agent is sending the same file to any other agent it will be identified and marked him/her as guilty Distributor can identify the guilty agents while monitoring the agents.
Step 5:File content will be deleted except hidden object if any agent is sending file to another agent.
It helps in detecting whether the distributor's sensitive data has been leaked by the trustworthy or authorized agent.
It helps to identify the agent who leaks the data. It reduces cybercrime
Or we can use emails for notification to distributer that the file is leaked by perticular guilty agent.
Posted by: m.khurram002 - 01-29-2018, 02:40 AM - Forum: Project
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Project Description
Project Domain / Category
Web-based Application
The application will provide an interface through which teachers can post weekly detail of their
available free time. This information will then be visible to the students and they can reserve a
slot of 30 minutes for the meeting. Before reserving the meeting slot, it is made sure that no other
student has reserved same slot. A slot cannot be reserved on the same day or after that.
Teachers can view the list of upcoming and previous meetings.
Functional Requirements:
Three types of users will be using this application.
▪ The application will provide Login interface.
▪ Admin can add/update/delete Teacher and Student information.
▪ Admin can assign students to teacher. A teacher can have many students but same student
cannot be assigned to two teachers.
▪ Admin can view the list of all reserved meetings.
▪ The application will provide Login interface.
▪ Teacher can post weekly detail of available free time. It should be of upcoming weeks.
▪ Teacher can view the list of students under his/her supervision.
▪ Teacher can view the list of upcoming and previous reserved meetings.
▪ The application will provide Login interface.
▪ Student can view the list of available free time and can reserve meeting slot of 30 minutes.A
slot cannot be reserved on the same day or after that.It should be taken care that same
time slot on a particular day for a particular teacher is not assigned to two or more students.
▪ Students can view the list of upcoming and previous meetings reserved by them.
Tools: PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, MySQL
Posted by: Vish - 01-19-2018, 06:44 AM - Forum: Project
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I need a project interested web portal for two website .
In that some content of two different websites they integrated in our portal.
Like college website intereste the notification and events column.
This alarm application is just like any other alarm system on an android device that allows the user to set an alarm. While Setting an alarm the user can select or enter the Time in the 12 hour clock format, can name the alarm and can set an alarm tone. While Selecting the Alarm tone, the tone is play backed. This system has option for snooze as well as it has unique activities to shut the alarm off. Those activities will include simple quiz of GK, mathematical questions, rewriting the text, puzzles, etc. Once the User has selected the right answer the alarm will be turned off. The alarm can be updated or the old alarm can be turned on from the home page. This System uses a background service to check the current time and the time in the database.