
Full Version: A Placement Cell Project(ASP. net & SQL Express 2012)
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My college *** Institute of Management Studies has offered me to develop a final year live project on ASP.net and Sql Server.

The project should have 2 Acess Points....
1) Students
2) Placement coordinator

* Student login and Signup.(primary key:student id)
* (only one admin)Admin login.
* A forum that posts jobs and incoming companies and the details(can be edited only by admin and viewed by students).
* While signing up Students are required to give the following details
i)Personal:name(first and last),dob,address,fathers name,email,phone no,gender,student id.
ii)Education details:10th(School,board,Year of passing and percentage),12th(School/College,board,Year of passing and percentage),BCA/BBM/BSc(College,board,Year of passing and percentage).
*Students & Placement Coordinator will be able to edit the student details.
*The placement coordinator should be able to generate reports and see the eligible students according to the educational details by inputting the criteria.

** Please Help me out **