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Well, i want the project related to windows form application. I want project and source codes on "Restaurant Management System".
okay i would tell what are my requirements and how i want the design of the project.

First of all, the project must be in windows form application. the project must be platform independent i.e. it must run in windows 10. Frontend must be "ASP.Net" and backend must be "Microsoft SQL server ". Project must be in "Visual Studio 2010" and "Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2".

In this project, there would be a form of "Admin login". Admin would type his username and password,then progress bar would show progress and it would navigate to another form named as "Admin Home" where admin can add items,logout,item-types,customer data,salesperson,etc. There would be a customer login form for customers. Customer would login or register by his username,password,re-enter password,address. There would be autogenerate id for each customer which is unique. Admin could add or remove items but customers can't.
For example, Admin would ask the customers what they want to eat or order, Customer would say that they want veg. and nonveg.pizza.Then,admin would calculate the quantity of items,their total amount and bill must be generated.then he would print the bill and would give to the customers.
There must be a complete record of all customers. This project must run in 32 bit as well as 64 bit windows operating system. Please sir and madam,i want the project as soon as possible and please provide me steps how you did the project,so that i could understand the logic and flow of the codes. If possible,provide me ER diagram,UML diagrams,hardware and software requirements,validation and verification etc. Thank you for your help,thankew so much.