
Full Version: Framework for Plagiarism Detection
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Plagiarism is the term that is used to describe the situation when a writer copies another writer's work and passes it off as their own. A plagiarism checker is an important part of current era. Increased number of students and assignments according to current trends and accessibility of artifact over the Internet has increased the probability of copying.

By employing a plagiarism checker, we can quickly check whether a body of work contains any sections that have been copied from elsewhere. Teachers are increasingly aware of the issues of plagiarism and check work frequently. This helps them to identify students who are using plagiarism as a form of cheating. Proposed solution is for java code or other language.

Types of plagiarisms:

Simple copy-paste with some spacing and comments modification.
By renaming Methods, fields, classes
Reordering of the code that does not affect the final output.
Addition of redundant lines of code and some advance level plagiarism is also done by Changing of the control structures, mixing of several sources, mixing of own and others’ code.

Methods to deduct the plagiarism:

Following methods will be used to deduct the plagiarism.
1. Attribute counting
I. Counting operators and operands

2. Structure metrics
I. Compare the structure
II. Usage of tokens

Following architecture will be used for java code
1. Analyzer – lexical and syntactical analysis of the code
I. Language specific
II. Produce the syntax tree and stores it into the database based on ANTRL (Another Tool for Language Recognition).
2. Comparator:
Compare elements can be used to compare code, parse/ syntax trees or fingerprints.

Working of system:
i. If the database contains Fingerprint for file I, go to IV
ii. Call compute Fingerprint (file1)
iii. Store the fingerprint f1 into the database
iv. If the database contains Fingerprint for file II, go to VII
v. Call compute Fingerprint (file2)
vi. Store the fingerprint f2 into the database
vii. Forward the fingerprints to the comparator
viii. Call compute Similarity (f1, f2)
ix. Store the values into the database

Report Generated:
In the end report will be generated which will show the matching statistic of file 1 to others files.

Note: student can choose any language instead of java

i want that solution within 2 days.