
Full Version: Java program on bus ticket system
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develop a ‘ticket management
automation system’. You have to implement a solution using Java where the user will be able to add a new
journey (source and destination), journey type, pricing type, total price, discount price(optional),grand total calculation
My project Human Resource Database Management System creates software that stores and manages all the data needed to describe the personal and their framework within an organization. It includes definition of various levels of hierarchy in an organization, the salary structure pertaining to every element in this hierarchy, the description of every department functioning in the organization and the overall employ database which integrates elements in all the aforementioned.
It has a database administration that has access to the entire database, in regards with viewing and update of information. The exclusive right is implemented using authorized access. Also viewing all data and editing of personal data can be done by any employee, this also using authorized access. Communication between personnel and administrator has also been provided for.
The data can be accessed, manipulated and retrieved very easily. The interface has been made very user friendly. The data is well protected for use and the data processing ie, result of query functions has been made very quick and efficient.


The Human Resource Database Management software is very user friendly and appealing. The Human objective of the system is to maintain and retrieve information about the entire personnel framework of the organizational system. The system is fairly simple in design and implementation.
The main objectives of this system can be summarized as follows:

Design of a hierarchical framework in terms of positions held thus depicting the organizational hierarchy. Update of the structure of the same, as well as addition of new elements.

Search for all employees, departments, dependent information etc possible. Also department-wise, level-wise and other parameter based search enabled.

Communication between employee and administrator.

Computerized payroll generation, manipulation and management.

Easy management of databases of various sections covering key aspects.


Very simple and easy to implement

Security of data

Ensure data accuracy

Administrator discretion and control over the entire system.

Reduces the damages of machine

Minimizes manual data entry

Greater efficiency

User friendly and interactive

Less time consuming



Planned approach toward working: The working in the organization will be well planned and organized. The data will be stored efficiency with optimal disk space consumption in data stores which will help in retrieval of information as well as its storage under resource constraints.

Accuracy: The level of accuracy in the proposed system will be higher. All operations would conform to integrity constraints and correctness and it will be ensured that whatever information is received at or sent from the centre is accurate.

Reliability: The reliability of the proposed system will be high due to the above mentioned reasons. This comes from the fact that only the data which conforms accuracy clause would be allowed to commit back to the disk. Other properties like transaction management and rollback during system or power failure etc get automatically taken care of by the SQL systems, which is undoubtedly an excellent choice of the DBMS system. Properties of atomicity, consistency, isolation and data security are intrinsically maintained.

No redundancy: In the proposed system it will be ensured that no repetition of information occurs; neither on a physical storage nor on a logical implementation level. This economizes on resource utilization in terms of storage space. Also even in case of concurrent access no anomalies occur and consistency is maintained. In addition to all this, principles of normalization have been endeavoured to be followed.

Immediate retrieval of information: The main objective of the proposed system is to provide a quick and efficient platform for retrieval of information. Among the queries allowed for use by the user, the query results are made available immediately, without time lapse, irrespective of the complexity of the query.

Ease of operation: The system should be simplistic in design and use. It is such that it can be easily developed within a short period of time and can conform to the financial and resource-related constraints of the organization.



Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Front End: Java Net Beans
Rear End: Oracle SQL
Design Tool: UML


Processor: x86 compatible processor with 1.7 GHz Clock Speed
RAM: 512 MB or greater
Hard Disk: 20 GB or grater
Monitor: VGA/SVGA
Keyboard: 104 keys standard
Mouse: 2/3 button. Optical/Mechanism

Problems with the conventional system:

Lack of immediate retrievals: In the conventional system, information is distributed across several files. This might also lead to data redundancy with repetition of the same information in various files. In the event of a complex or nested query, the search has to scan several files, thus making procurement of requested query results very cumbersome.

Please can u help me to build the project and help me out of sending sourcecode...