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Bicycle level of service (BLOS) methodologies have been developed for suburban and urban as well as for rural road segments. Although, today, the utilitarian bicyclist requires access to suburban, urban, and rural environments to safely travel between home and work. In order to complement BLOS methodologies which incorporate mental stressors along road segments, this study develops a methodology by which BLOS and Bicycle compatibility Index (BCI) can be found out by qualitative analysis.
Qualitative analysis deals with real-time human perceptions taking into account the satisfaction level of bicyclists while riding along a road. The satisfaction level of the bicyclist or the compatibility of the road for bicyclists is derived from a survey where bicyclist are asked questions based on their perception about safely, visibility and convenience. The survey is conducted on numerous bicyclists and their view are taken down in the form of ratings. These rating can be represented in a graphical form so as to give a clear picture of satisfaction level of bicyclists with respect to the road compatibility. BCI is computed using inverse variance method and finally BLOS, ranging from LOS-A to LOS-F, is found out.
Qualitative analysis though differs from quantitative analysis in terms of its surveyed data, the result of both will differ to a much extent. The BCI identifies which intersection approaches have the maximum priority for bicycle safety improvements within a particular jurisdiction. The model provides traffic planners and others the capability to rate roadways with respect to bicyclists’ level of satisfaction, and can be used in the process of evaluating existing roads, redesigning existing roads or designing new roads.

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