
Full Version: online money transfer using java mvc design pattern
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(java,jsp,servlet,j2ee,MVC pattern,MySql,)
Online Money Transfer
 To visualize the objective of the project it is required to give an overview of the
existing system.Online money transfer (omt) is an application deals with office
personal information, office records, such as their all the data and their summary
reports for Entry,Transaction,all the details of transaction.
 This application is based on specific office and Record Keeping and tracking. The
OMT being developed will not aim to totally automate the whole system, but with the
aim to automate as it progresses in its development.
 The developers makes use of staggered development in implementing the system to
easily track down bugs, faults and to easily incorporate needed modules to make the
system holistic.
 The developers do not intend to make this system be a common basis for MIS
application but aims to serve as a proto type for building an MIS starting on this
 The OMT consists of 2 different modules: Admin office, User office.

 Add,delete,edit of office user : who can edit,delete,add of login office user.
 Add form : if you want to add any form admin to user.
 Display all the entry of send money : in this field show all the entry of send money.
 Display all the entry of receive money : in this field show all the entry of recive
 Display all the entry of inquire user : in this field show all the entry of inquire user.
 Display all the entry of office branch address: in this field shows all the address and
details of all the branches of office.add,delete,edit option are include in this.
 Display all the entry of office branch profit : in this field commission of transfer
money details.
 Display the details of contact us and about us

 Branch User:
 Send money : in this field all the details of send person name, receive person name his
co no,any proof of taking money,how much money they want to send any where and
his commission.
 receive money : in this field all the details of send person name, receive person name
his co no,any proof of taking money,how much money they come from where and his
 Total transaction on send and receive and commission : in this field all the calculation
of send and receive and it commission.how much money are available here.
 inquire user : in this form all the details of branches and if they are select any branch
after then show all the details of office.and then inquire of username,co no all the
details of inquire user.
 About us : details of system.
 Contact us : details of owner.