
Full Version: Automotive Applications projects Ideas
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Automotive Applications projects Ideas

1. Car head light system.
2. Car door locking system.
3. Car window adjustment system.
4. Car mirror adjustment system.
5. Car a.c control system using temperature.
6. Car engine temperature display.
7. Car upper layer temperature display system.
8. Car seat adjustment system.
9. Home appliances controlling system using can protocol.
10. Volvo bus engine temperature display system.
11. Can protocol based data acquisition system.
12. Can networking for cars (controller area network of Bosch)
13. Can protocol based automotive street light switching system.
14. Temperature based d.c motor speed control using can protocol.
15. Can protocol based traffic light system.
16. Real time security system using can protocol.
17. Robot controlling using can protocol.
18. PC based data acquisition system using can protocol.