
Full Version: Imroving server performance by Optimal load Balancing and DOS Attack detection.
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Concept of project-
The project should be implemented in JAVA language.

The system should consist of three servers which are basically three laptops.And one client machine(Request generator engine) which will generate connection request to one of three servers. The client machine should be able to generate 1000 to 2000 connection request and the servers should accept that requests and perform load balancing among them to give response to clients.The load Balancing should be done in such a way that the performance of system will improve.At the same time the system should be able to detect DOS attacks so as to maintain proper performance of servers and if dos attack is detected the client should be blocked from getting service.The 3 server laptops and 1 client laptop are connected via switch.
I am attaching 2 IEEE papers becouse the system should be based on these two IEEE papers...