09-09-2014, 09:29 AM
i need a project on college placement portal
how a studnt in final year can apply for specific company for placement
there should be 2 type of users
1)TPO (Training Placement Officer)
2) Students of final year of various branches with different section and different roll numbers
TPO will login with his ID n pssword and will write name of companies coming to college for placement and what is there crieteria for placing students and what package they are offering
Students will login with there names/roll number and password and will check and select any company if they satisy companies criteria of placement
first page would be for login
college name is Northern India Engineering College
under its name would be login for student and TPO
they will have dffrnt login space on same page
after login for student it would be there details like name address class section year etc just for there registration
only fourth year students will be allowd to registr
aftr registration they will get optn for wich companies they can register
something like this
how a studnt in final year can apply for specific company for placement
there should be 2 type of users
1)TPO (Training Placement Officer)
2) Students of final year of various branches with different section and different roll numbers
TPO will login with his ID n pssword and will write name of companies coming to college for placement and what is there crieteria for placing students and what package they are offering
Students will login with there names/roll number and password and will check and select any company if they satisy companies criteria of placement
first page would be for login
college name is Northern India Engineering College
under its name would be login for student and TPO
they will have dffrnt login space on same page
after login for student it would be there details like name address class section year etc just for there registration
only fourth year students will be allowd to registr
aftr registration they will get optn for wich companies they can register
something like this